
Judgement is the ability to weigh and compare options.

Judgement is consciousness weighing up the options in the mind.

Judgement is an interplay of consciousness with thought.

Consciousness weighs and assesses the options in the mind, judges them and then makes its choice.

Judgement is what precedes a choice. It may be poor judgement or it may be better judgement, but before a choice there is always judgement.

In the following order, we are aware of surroundings, we discern differences and options, we compare and judge the options, we choose.


The average person of the world is emotionally focused. Instead of their awareness being centrally contained, they have their awareness overspilt and intermixed into their personality layers and particularly intermixed with the emotional layer, to the extent that they misidentify themselves as being their emotions and feelings.  They do not see their emotions and feelings as separate and objective to themselves but as being themselves – they believe they are their emotions. And they think and make decisions in accordance with their emotions.

We have learnt that awareness can retract itself back through the layers of the personality, and condense and position itself at the centre of our being, so that rather than being intermixed with emotion and misidentifying itself as emotion, the awareness is able to centralize itself and look outward at the screen of mind and observe and be conscious of thought and emotions as external to itself. And we have learnt how this ability can be exercised through seated meditative practice and also exercised while going about daily activities. This is the practice of being observant or aware of ourselves, mentally, emotionally and physically. We can practice this at regular times and at any time we remember to do so, and so we become familiar with our core consciousness and come to realise that we are not the thoughts but are the thinker of the thoughts, and we are not the emotions but we can feel the emotions, and we are not the body but are the operator of the body, as we are the operator of the mind. We learn that these layers of thought, emotion and body are analogous to layers of clothing, with thought our closest layer, emotion our second layer, and our physical body out most outer layer. And when we are properly centred, a direction of drive or outflow of motive force runs outward from consciousness, through thought, emotion and physical conduct. And it is this centralised positioning of our consciousness that enables us to take control of our self and our personality mechanism.

Consciousness is more than awareness, it is also freewill, and freewill is the ability to freely judge options and choose between them.

For consciousness to identify and know itself, it must learn to disentangle itself from the personality layers and retract itself to its observant position at the centre of our being. And it must do so with not only its first attribute which is awareness/observance, but also with its attribute of judgement, so that from its centralised position consciousness is not only aware and observant but is also able to judge and choose.

We have previously covered how to centrally position our awareness, the first attribute of consciousness. The next article will show how to centrally position our judgement, which is part of our second attribute of consciousness, freewill.

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