The dividing of intelligence

Intelligence pyramid

Above diagram depicts human intelligence with its black and white prime distinction, actually the distinction between light and darkness, and thus between everything in between, which makes it potentially aware of all reality. It divides further for every distinction within a distinction that we can perceive, and wider with the widening of our awareness.

The particular contrasting polarities of the prime distinction is the nature of the intelligence; the extent to which it can divide is the individual’s degree of intelligence. No  matter how fine the intelligence can discern, it is always of its own nature and cannot comprehend anything outside of its prime distinction. So animals with their various and limited prime distinctions, cannot comprehend what requires intelligence with a wider prime distinction.

Potentially human intelligence can divide as small as truth or reality divides, and due to its distinction being light and darkness it can operate in any medium, and due to it being freewilled or active intelligence, having no preprograming and being free to select any course and to range as it freely wills, it can comprehend the broadest picture and the finest details of any subject, no matter what that subject is. Not necessarily at any given time, of course, but the potential is there.

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